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10 Simple Strategies to Help Your Dog Stay Calm During Fireworks

Fireworks are fun for some people, but not for dogs. They can be scary and make dogs run away. Fireworks are literally explosions in the air, simulating war explosions but with color, and so it's understandable why dogs might panic. Here are 10 easy ways to keep your dog safe and calm during fireworks.

#1: Use a ThunderShirt

A ThunderShirt wraps around your dog and makes them feel safe. It is like a hug that helps them stay calm. If your dog has never used a Thundershirt, test it out several days prior to expected fireworks to avoid your dog forming that rational (but unfortunate) association between the Thundershirt and the fireworks.

#2. Play Calming Music

Playing soft music can help drown out the noise of fireworks. The goal is to choose music that has enough bass and beat to muffle the sound of fireworks without creating a party atmosphere that further excites your dog. PawZen is an app with 5 categories of scientifically-proven music and white noise that simulates the heartbeat tempo of a dog for maximum calmness. We recommend the categories of Ambient Dreams and Beauty Rest to defuse the noise of fireworks. PawZen offers a generate free trial.

3. Try a Calming Collar

Calming collars release a scent that helps dogs relax. Put it on your dog before the fireworks start. This calming collar mimics the Mother's lactation pheromones, naturally easing anxiety.

#4. Use Adaptil Spray

Adaptil Spray mimics a calming pheromone. Spray it on your dog's bed or favorite blanket or create a special 'safe' area of the home up to 700 ft using the Adaptil diffuser system.

#5. Create a Safe Space

Set up a cozy spot with your dog's bed, toys, and a blanket in a quiet room. Our dog likes this round bed because she can nestle into the center and feel protected on all sides. This strategy is even more effective when paired with white noise and a calming spray. The space should be familiar. You would not, for example, want to choose the basement if your dog never spends time in the basement. The space should be perceived as safe and not as a punishment.

#6. Try Calming Treats

Calming treats can help your dog relax. Give them one before the fireworks start. Quiet Moments offers treats with melatonin or hemp and also offers treats for senior dogs. This is not a strategy where "more is better." Following the dose recommendations closely and supplement with calming music and pheromone sprays.

#7. Use Background Noise

Background noise can help dilute the sound of fireworks. Dogs can hear a wider range than humans, and their hearing is often stronger as well. Introducing background noise can muffle the sound of fireworks similar to sounds of construction or honking car horns. PawZen contains an entire category of background noise, such as the sound of waves in Malibu, that are scientifically proven to muffle loud outdoor sounds such as fireworks. PawZen offers a generous free trial that could be used during holiday fireworks.

8. Playtime!

A tired dog will sleep through almost anything. If the temperature is safe, engage in several extra play sessions with your dog during the day. Bonus points if those play sessions interfere with the morning and afternoon naps. Our dog absolutely loves to chase the ChuckIt balls. We like these balls because they are rugged and still bounce even if partially chewed. If the temperature is too hot, try indoor exercise such as 10,000 indoors steps, chasing a ball, or jumping on and off the bed.

#9. Try CBD Oil for Dogs

CBD oil can help calm your dog. Make sure to get a product made for pets. We like Charlie & Buddy Hemp Oil for Pets because it is a blend of hemp oil and salmon oil. This nutritional powerhouse contains Omega 3, 6, 9, and Vitamins B & E. The salmon oil helps to reduce allergies and itchy skin. With each lick, the dog salmon oil supplement improves your pet's fur, making it shiny and the skin moisturized and lubricates joint tissues, rеducing pain and increasing mobility. This salmon hemp oil for dogs contains 100% organic cold-pressed hemp seed oil - the proven and most effective component for dog and cat calming products.

#10. Give Your Dog a Chew Toy

A new chew toy can distract your dog and help them focus on something fun. In our house, "squeaky snake" is the ultimate distraction. The Outward Hound Durablez Green Snake Plush Dog Toy, XXL has multiple squeakers, is nearly indestructible, and is both a chew toy and a tool to play tug. Food is the only thing that would distract our dog from this toy and it lasts for months.