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Tiny Birds with Big Engines

Blink and you miss them, hummingbirds captivate us. We still have some time these weeks to visit with our pal, Sal. We set out hummingbird feeders in the hopes that we can catch a quick glimpse of those tiny marvels. A hummingbird weighs less than a nickel yet is bursting with energy. They are the only birds that can hover in the air like a helicopter because their wings beat up to 80 times per second. I can't even tread water for very long without being tired. Those hummingbirds are essentially the gym-rats of the bird world. They even have heart rates that can reach 1,200 beats per minute! I know we feed them sugar water but that's quite a feat on a sugar high. 

They have been called the jewels of the bird world for good reason - their colors are vibrant. The tiny wings allow them to migrate thousands of miles. Talk about a workout!  No phone booth needed - they are tiny superheroes outshining other birds, if you happen to catch a glance. Beast Bird Mode