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Buzzing Into Sweet Retirement

I'm looking at retirement homes, but not for me, for bees. Did you know that the U.K. has a retirement home for bees? Yes, honey. Quite the 5-star sanctuary of sorts, Honeysuckle Bee-tirement is complete with little houses filled with flowers, lots of pollen, sugar fountains, and little bee rooms. What more could bees want as they take a tiny load off? How about chairs. They also have miniature arm chairs! Now that's more like it, posh and sweet. They'll be buzzing about it in no time. 

  The goal from the company who kicked this off, Flying Flowers, is to start a nation-wide movement to protect the declining bee population. While we may not be hammering away creating another bee resort, we can do things on our own like plan flowers around our houses, set out some sugar water bowls, buy a home for solitary bees, and refrain from using pesticides to protect the health of the bees. Now, me? I'll be looking for tiny arm chairs.