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Fort Woofington
Childhood... agh, to be a child again! When we were young, we enjoyed things like building a fort for a fun play area or to sleep in overnight. Old school style, just needed some chairs, blankets, pillows, and a flashlight and we had the coolest spot in the house. As an adult, some days I wish I could just build that fort (for me) for some peace and privacy (disclaimer: If my family is reading this, I'm kidding). But thankfully this article isn't about me - or us - it's about our furry babes and some tips from a type of product that my dog tremendously enjoys. It may spark some inspiration if you think your dog might like the same. Ya know, change it up.
I call it a fort for obvious reasons, but I think they are termed dog pop-up playpens. Ours is very similar to this one.
Truth be told, I bought it years ago thinking it could be useful when we travel, for example to the beach, for those certain times I want to ensure he is safe and secure (if needed). Experts recommend that you slowly introduce it to your dog by rewarding him once he enters it and then you leave to get the mail. Short stints at first. This concept works pretty well for most dogs. Of course, I had to eventually break it to my dog that hey, enough with the endless treats, buddy! Do you think bones grow on trees?!
Quickly my dog adjusted for his own agenda to use it as a play and snuggle area. Sometimes they are just smarter than us. Your dog may be the type to curl up at times and put his face into a breathable blanket smushed up for a dim and quiet space to rest. If so, you may want to consider something like a dog pop-up playpen. Your dog may enjoy resting in there at times and, if anything like my sneaky babe, hiding favorite toys (let's hope it is just that in there, who knows)! What's helpful is the front of it unzips for the "door" and velcros at the top to keep it up. Also, the top of it unzips so it can be more of an open space though still private in a sense. I set it up in the room and just left it there with blankets and a dog bed inside. Occasionally I would see him going in there to dig up the blankets and then rest (is he not enjoying my phone conversation?).
It depends what your goal is for how you may want to get your dog used to it. Some say play or crate. I say why not both? Mostly play and snuggle, but if I ever needed to travel with it just in case, my dog would already be used to it and see it as a positive thing. I like the pop-ups too by the way - can store it or pack it and it barely takes up any space. Try something new to surprise your dog. If you have any cool tips, feel free to drop us a line and let us know what your dog thinks is the coolest chill spot in your house. Me? I am contemplating building that fort for me to escape when I need it but it would need to be near my secret snack stash in the house... risky, don't want to blow that cover. Good luck!